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A checklist for choosing the right data storage company

As the Cloud is expanding there are countless opportunities when it comes to choosing a data storage company. As a business owner, your responsibility is to help your business to be successful, safe and flourishing. You need to get the best out of your workers and provide them the appropriate tools to achieve the goals.

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Useful templates to have in your company

In our last article, we discussed some of the most useful planning schemes to have for your company. Today we will continue this topic by giving you examples of the templates that are useful to have in your company’s everyday lives.


1. Professional introduction templates

Let’s face it, introducing yourself and your colleagues can be frustrating and tiring from time to time. Having a blank bios template for these situations can be very convenient. An example of the template goes like this:

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Useful plans to have in your company

Sometimes the most challenging part of business planning is knowing where to begin and having the resources to do so. Putting together a ‘to do’ list for your business is useful. Having the plans and checklists that enable you to achieve your tasks is even better. Today we summed up some of the most important plans to have, and gave you some examples on how to start them.

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How the construction industry can benefit from the cloud?

There is an enormous potential for the construction industry when it comes to benefitting from the cloud. It can support collaborative design between businesses, and it also makes file sharing with clients much easier. The need for collaboration in the industry is enormous, from early conceptual client-architect boardroom meetings to the engineering schematic meetings and reviews in on-site trailers. Many of the biggest companies have picked up early on the advantages of the cloud by realizing it is an essential need for their virtualized workflow.

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Discussing blockchain

As Bitcoin became a sensation, many people became familiar with it, as the technology behind cryptocurrencies, but blockchain’s potential uses extend far beyond digital currencies. Today we are going to dig into the topic and sum up the basics of what we know about this new ground-breaking technology.

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5 steps to consider before starting a business

A business always starts out as an idea, but you must be able to turn that idea into a prospering enterprise as well. There is always a time when it comes to feeling overwhelmed by the process, but it is understandable to freeze up sometimes. Like any big goal, if you start by breaking it down into smaller tasks, you’ll be able to walk enough of the actions that are necessary. Today we sum up 5 important things to consider when starting your own enterprise.

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The environmental aspects of printing

Compared to other economic topics, the role of printing and ink waste has a smaller impact on global warming, but it still is making an impact, so we need to talk about the responsibilities regarding it.

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Why is VPN useful, and how to use it?

Today we dive into the topic of internet security again, and we are going to discuss the basics of VPN and the importance of it in business life. With the help of VPN, you can make the Internet safer, more secure and more private for yourself and your enterprise. But how does it work, and what are the most important aspects to it?

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France to introduce its law against hate speech on social media

Facebook and data protection is a hot topic, and we previously discussed issues about Cambridge Analytica, Android based data retrieving it as well as notes on the new German Facebook law. Today we would like to add some to the topic by summing up whether France is ready to follow the German example with a stronger regulation regarding social media sites.

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Optimizing business expenses by digitalization

Optimizing a business process requires more effort than simply purchasing new software or a new set of computers. It requires taking a good look at the organization’s operations and trying to minimalize the resources required to get the business operations done.

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