Organize your company documents online!
For Businesses of All Size

Get your documents organized with DocuBank Save time and money by creating your online document archive.

It's time to organize

Systematise your documents uploaded to the DocuBank document cloud, even in multiple dimensions. You can endow your documents with category, type, project and numerous other data, thus making subsequent searches more efficient. When retrieving documents, you can search for them based on all their metadata.

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DocuBank is a secure flexible reliable document management solution in the cloud.

DocuBank is not only a document storage option, but also a comprehensive yet easy-to-use cloud-based document management solution that covers the whole lifecycle of handling company documents.

DocuBank Secure Document Cloud

Retrieve documents

Documents uploaded to the cloud can be downloaded again at any time, or they can be sent out by e-mail - even as bulk sending.

Custom fields

Expand the datasheets in our service with additional fields according to your unique requirements, modify the main data groups used for systematizing documents (category, type, project, etc.)

Share and collaborate

Our multi-user packages support group work and collaboration within your company, but you can share your documents with external users (through secure channels).

Unlimited access

Access your documents stored in the cloud any time, from everywhere. Are you often on the go? Use your smartphone or tablet to view, download, and approve documents.

Document approval

Documents filed in the system may be evaluated by using multilevel approval processes. (The users responsible can track approval jobs in their individual task lists.)

Bulk upload of documents

Upload and file multiple similar documents at one time using the bulk registration option of DocuBank. DocuBank system enables to attach any format of files to the registered document data sheets.

Document templates

Generate document based on templates created by yourself. Using document templates, we can generate documents that contain metadata entered earlier on the datasheet.

Manage partner data

Our DocuBank solution also enables the storage and management of your partners’ and clients’ data. (Up- and downloading of companies and persons en masse is supported by import and export functions.)

Multi-language support

Use DocuBank in the five predetermined languages indicated in the service, set the language which each of your colleagues wishes to use.

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