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The GDPR in our point of view

In our previous writings we have talked about the GDPR regulations in general, but as it is now a hotter topic than ever, we decided to share some more on the topic.

The General Data Protection Regulation has been all over the news in the past few months. Some companies were more prepared than others, and disputes were present all over Europe on how to implement the necessary requirements before the deadline passes.

GDPR changes how personal data is being handled, meaning that organizations will have to change their practices drastically if they want to avoid fines. But the regulation does not necessarily mean that one must panic. However, every company needs to increase their awareness of and preparedness for GDPR, it is not necessarily an impossible task.

As for GDPR, it is a non-negotiable regulation, compulsory for all businesses operating inside the European Union. The consequences are obvious: all companies that are not complying with the rules will receive hefty fines and warnings. GDPR leaves the details of data protection to companies to work out, according to their assessment of the risk to individuals' data protection rights.

To help companies get ready for GDPR, there are different assessment tools, some of which feature short questionnaires that help companies identify their GDPR related weaknesses, as well as their level of preparation in the topic.

GDPR is all about eliminating the risks of irresponsible data handling. Companies need to provide that data protection is built into their core business process, however struggling this may seem. Also, with GDPR the risk of poorly handled consent managing cases are expected to be dropping. Companies may now struggle to determine when consent is required, and how to ask for it, but in the long run, it will help them to set customer expectations higher, by providing more reliable services. Although, some say it is still debatable whether customers care about how their data is handled by companies in the long run. With these doubts, only time will tell if it has a real impact on the topic.

To sum up, GDPR is about to change the way of online data handling, and it is staying in the system for good. The needs for it were great, as existing data protection law was hopelessly out of date in the European Union. GDPR helps to protect basic privacy rights, and forces organizations to treat personal data with the respect it deserves. With GDPR the way companies behave will change radically, and with time it will improve the safety of every related online activity.

No one can ignore GDPR, therefore it is better to embrace it and integrate it into each and every firm’s basic activities. GDPR is not just about IT or security, it is a new perspective on the online world of information management.


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