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The General Data Protection Regulation

According to the official statement, The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). GDPR requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for transactions that occur within EU member states.

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Discussing AES-256 encryption method

At Docubank we use the AES-256 method for our end-to-end encryption service. The method has a long history, it gained fame after it was first used by the US government to protect classified information. Since then it has been spreading around the globe and is used for securing sensitive data in various industries. Today we share some basics about AES encryption to understand its role in securing sensitive files.

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The basics of credit card hacking

As nowadays fund transfers and online shopping are taking up a huge majority of our finances, the number of related of frauds are on the rise as well. Today we dive into the topic of credit card hacking. We will discuss vulnerabilities in credit and debit card functionality that can help hackers steal data.

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Biggest security breaches of the 21st century

Previously, we were discussing the topic of inside security breaches that can be a threat to enterprises. In today’s article, we will go on and complete the list with some of the biggest and most famous outside security breaches of the 21st century. A secure network is a sign of a good IT staff, but when nothing happens, it is hard to notice that everything is working well. However, when something does happen, that is usually bad in terms of security-related issues. But what were the most famous threats, that made companies fall on their knees?

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How e-mail hacking works?

E-mail hacking is on the rise for companies, and this is not a surprise. As businesses go digital, e-mail data is becoming more valuable for hackers. SMEs and big corporations are being attacked as well, and the impacts can be very serious in every case. There are however reliable ways to prevent email hacking and reduce their impact.

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A message that can crash any iPhone

A single character: this is what it takes to crash your iPhone, and block access to messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Outlook for iOS, and Gmail. The new bug not only affects iPhones but other Apple devices like iPads, Mac or OS Watches that are running on the latest version of the operating system. This new text bomb bug can easily be exploited by anyone, as it only requires the user to send a character from the Telugu language.

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How social engineering can be a security issue

Strong passwords, two-factor authentications, using different accounts: the basics of IT security might sound familiar to you. We have also been writing articles on the issues, but we have jet not covered a very important risk in IT security, namely social engineering. Let’s look into it, and discuss how we can fight it to protect ourselves.

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How bad is it to use open WIFI networks?

When the topic of using open WIFI networks comes up, the majority of the people do not mind it, however, there is that small group of professionals who would never want to use the service, and would rather just rely on their mobile internet. But how bad is the situation really? There are rumors and facts out in the public about hacking free WIFI systems and monitoring users’ activities, but how common is that present? In today’s article, we will dig a little deeper in the topic to see if there is something to fear about them in our everyday lives.

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Ethical hackers: how they help us

From the word “hacker” lot of people think of dark, wicked men sitting in server rooms, surrounded by high capacity computers, doing bad. Many do not know that this definition is most likely to fit crackers, who are the ones that violate systems and break into networks with malicious intent. Hackers, on the other hand, are trying to enter systems to find dangerous holes in them and share their knowledge so that those threats can be eliminated. But as the terminology is mostly mixed up nowadays, we usually use “ethical hacker” for the good guys and hackers/crackers for the bad ones.

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How cell phone hacking can affect you?

Cell phones, connected to e-mail and social media accounts are a sensitive area and have a major risk of being hacked. Our cell phones have access to our Dropbox, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts, and in most cases to our banking information. A hacked cell phone makes blackmailing, identity theft and losing money a great threat for the owner of the device. With some social engineering, a telephone number and some basic IT knowledge, it is an easy job to hack one’s phone. A trustworthy but otherwise fake site that is convincingly copying a service you use is enough to get the sensitive information they need for a successful hacking.

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