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Twitter and end-to-end encryption

Sometimes we wander off to the most recent news about issues regarding the internet security. This is the case today as well, as we are going to discuss Twitter and its new feature, including end-to-end encryption.

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How safe is the Cloud?

Cloud Storage can be much secure than you think. Files stored in reliable cloud services are some of the most secure files you can have if you have strong passwords to pair with them. On that topic, we already shared some pieces of advice with you. But what makes cloud safe in reality? Today we are going to dive into the topic and sum up our opinion.

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Advantages of cloud-based document management

The cloud gets bigger and better every day. The logistics of capturing, storing, retrieving, indexing, sharing, and securitizing documents are getting easier by the process for both small and medium businesses as well as for big enterprises. There are a lot of cloud-based operations to choose from if you are thinking about investing in one of them. Regardless of choice, there are advantages that are true for each and every service.

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Advantages of a paperless office

Going paperless today is quite an effective way to protect the environment and save us from some papercuts. A paperless office has a lot of pluses for your business, as almost half of the paper printed in offices ends up in the garbage by the end of the day, anyway. Besides environment protection, the reasons of going paperless are related to saving time and money. With the sophistication of modern hardware, software, and Internet services, it is becoming easier to transfer to a paperless office.  Today we collected some of the biggest advantages on the topic:

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