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The most common internal security breaches - Volume 2

In our last article, we started summarising the most common and most dangerous insider threats for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We wrote about angry employees with privileged system access to the company networks, colleagues who surf on the internet and download unwanted spying programmes, viruses or other malware, and co-workers who break the law by doing illegal activity on company property.

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The most common internal security breaches - Volume 1

Criminal attacks might happen to a company from outside sources, or from the inside. Most of the time employees pose a great risk and raise the likelihood of a cyber-attack by their daily routines. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are especially vulnerable to these IT security breaches, as they may lack sophisticated methods and monitoring systems used by large corporates.  Also in some cases, they may lack the understanding of nature of incoming threats.

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Secure communication online

Communication carried out in online space can be dangerous. If it is not secured properly, or not secured at all, an unwanted 3rd party can listen in at any time, and it can gather otherwise sensitive information. To avoid this, most of the websites use a form of secure communication, which is mainly an HTTPS protocol. Secure communication includes methods by which people can share information with certainty that it will not get to unwanted parties.

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The importance of secure data storing

Data is the heart of business. A thirst for information drives the world and cloud-based options make it easy and manageable to store huge amount of data at one place. However, space is not the only thing that is worth paying for. In the long run, storing data in the cloud with safety measurements is the most reliable solution.

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How Meltdown and Spectre can affect you

In January, cyber-world was spinning around two critical CPU vulnerabilities called Meltdown and Spectre. They are both hardware bugs that can allow attackers to steal information from the memory of other programs. Both Intel, AMD, and several other brands are included in one or the other attack. Attention started to focus on the problem after Intel was included in Meltdown related situations, but with the appearance of Spectre AMD and AMR were involved as well.

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The virtual employee

Cloud data services are great for sharing files with employees and co-workers. Those systems help to keep documents organized and in-sync between all the relevant parties. There is a point in each company’s life when organizing certain files just by one attribute is not enough anymore. With the help of cloud-based solutions, keeping track of the relevant documents is made easier and more reliable.

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