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Freelancing at the age of digitalization

Today an increasing number of professionals choose to work on their own schedule, independently ad freelancers. Freelancing has long been present in professions like writing, editing, and design, and a variety of working arrangements are possible because of it. With the rise of digital marketplaces, offers to individuals for generating income have also grown significantly. These platforms are creating flexible opportunities for individuals who want to try this kind of work for themselves.

Tips for freelancing

The idea of working for yourself sounds great: picking your own work schedule, choosing your clients, not having to worry about the long daily public transport rides. But there are challenges as well, and it's wise to go into your new freelance career with your eyes wide open.

Always figure out a way to motivate yourself

When you're your own boss, nobody's there to nag you about meeting deadlines. Creating a routine that puts you into work mode might be the answer for this. Create a habit that will tell your brain that it's time to work, or set aside a specific office space there.

Use a contract on every project, even if it is only a small one

For beginners, it is great to have a checklist of the basic information a contract should cover: plagiarism-free work, confidentiality, payment terms. Having some basic terms in place for every project will help protect you, but more importantly, will help inform the client of how you work.

Focus your freelance business

Always try specializing in project types you accept. Pick one or two services you are best at, and only take on work that falls into those categories, and turn down the rest.

Always ask for your price

As a freelancer, you pay your own health insurance, taxes, business expenses, travel costs. If you don't factor all of these things into your rate, you might find yourself underwater very quickly. Tracking your income and expenses is the start of figuring out how profitable your business is. Staying organized with numbers will save you a big headache.

The right equipment

As a freelance in design or IT, there are certain hardware and software needs that you can’t do without. A reliable computer, a desk, software to work from, a smartphone for email, text editor: the list goes on.

Many freelances work predominantly online. Depending on their business, their main method of providing their goods or services may also be online. You need to consider the privacy of your office spaces, Wi-fi access and internet requirements and a few other issues that we have been discussing in past articles. Make sure your data is protected and can be accessed everywhere as well.

DocuBank is a great tool that can help freelancers protect their personal and professional data, and also help them access it from everywhere, whenever they are in need of it.

Working as a freelancer definitely has its own challenges, but the benefits of it are significant as well. Working as you wish, whenever it is comfortable for you can give you a great freedom and possibilities when it comes to creating your own career path.


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